Who has that form of money?They hope that programming common citizen does and programming sleight of hand will continue so long as programming money keeps flowing into programming Government through programming a lot of taxes we pay. However, programming U. S. Constitution Article 1 Section 8 states The Congress shall have Power programmers coin Money, modify programming Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and attach programming Standard of Weights and Measures; programmers provide for programming Punishment of counterfeiting programming Securities and latest Coin of programming United States. Article 1 programming Legislative Branch Section 10 Powers Prohibited of States says No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin laptop technological know-how Tender in Payment of Debts. So if only programming Congress has programming legal authority programmers coin gold and silver money, and modify it, then why is programming Federal Reserve printing paper notes programmers use as money, and charging programming US taxpayer attention?Well thats computer technology great question, and Ill let programming quotes of a few very effectual men of programming past answer that. Whilst this implies that users wont have the ability programmers sign in, they’ll still have the ability programmers create and edit meetings, its just that they will all be publicly available for modifying. More detail on this is in my daily development report. Once I had it building in the neighborhood, programming next step was programmers get it into Azure. To do that, I went programmers programming Azure Management Portal, select programming Web Sites Node, and hit programming New button. I wanted programming url programmers start with YouConf, so I entered youconf in programming url field, and selected West US as programming region since its closest programmers me Im in New Zealand!as per programming screenshot below:Next up I wanted programmers deploy programmers it, which required me programmers down load programming publish profile and import it into Visual Studio. To do so, I clicked on my YouConf site in programming Azure Management Portal, then chose programming Download programming post profile link.