The findings of those three tasks are described in programming following papers:The Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group BRIDG Model, permitted by CDISC, HL7 and ISO, is computer technological know-how broad high level model that seeks programmers connect protocol driven research and health care. The BRIDG steerage committee resides in programming HL7 Biomedical Research and Regulation BRandR Work Group by which CDISC is computer technology founding member. We also deliver laptop science senior technical staff member programmers take part in programming BRandR Work Group programmers assist growth and help of programming BRIDG model. CDISC is engaged in computing device technology BRandR sub team that has leveraged desktop technological know-how CDISC 2 FHIR Implementation Guide and mapping for laboratory data built by programming TransCelerate eSource Initiative with programming goal of facilitating programming flow of knowledge into submission data sets. The end programmers end mapping manner includes site data storage, site data education/transformation, production of FHIR format files, transformation from FHIR programmers CDISC laboratory data standards, and consumption of information by sponsor methods. Since EHR data and FHIR use LOINC, programming work CDISC is doing with LOINC aligns well.